It's Never Too Late...
To Live With #Purpose.
Do you ever stop to think about what your purpose is? Are you living WITH purpose? If not, what is truly stopping you? Too often these questions are ignored or canceled out by the "noise" of everyday life. We all fall victim to the "noise". I know I do. As a college coach, life is pretty hectic. It wasn't until 2015, the year I took a break from coaching I realized the importance of purpose.
Meet my friend Janele. Like me, Janele grew up playing ball in the streets of NYC. It's actually where we met and grew up together. Janele went on to play college ball at Rider College and eventually became a college Coach. In December 2015 at the age of 29, Janelle was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma.
April 8th, 2015, Janele also lost her mother after a lifelong battle with breast cancer. Talk about a ROUGH year. I still remember sitting her room as she told me and thinking HOW is she so calm? The answer, purpose. Over the next few years, I watched Janele faithfully and fearlessly fight this disease. She knew this fight was not only for herself, but for her family, and for her mother. And on April 6th, 2018 (two days before the anniversary of her moms passing) she valiantly proclaimed she is CANCER FREE! (Won't he do it?).
Every day, we have a choice to live in our purpose. Nelly is just one of the many reminders of what living in our purpose looks like. To fight a battle that is so much bigger than yourself. And to allow others to draw strength from your fight. This post is dedicated to all who fight the good fight every day. This is also dedicated to the memory of Ms. Clarine Henderson. <3
If you would like to read more about Janele's journey...check out her blog here.
Janele is my hero...and my constant reminder its NEVER to late to live with purpose.
-Til next time!
December 24th 2016 (Left) March 17th 2018 (Right)